Among the successful competitors, we will also present one successful Czech in the junior category. Andrejka, who we already wrote about here, finished in second place at the Spartan Kids WC in Florida and thus became world vice-champion! This is a wonderful result and we are therefore bringing you an interview with the young representative.
You finished second at the MS Spartan Kids, that's an amazing result. What were your first feelings at the finish line?
The first feeling was a mixture of happiness and joy, I couldn't believe that I would really be standing on a box in Florida.
Who from your family flew to America with you to support you? And did he cheer properly?
Unfortunately, no one from the family could fly, we are not vaccinated against covid and it is mandatory to go to America from the age of 18. But my parents have a friend who traveled across America this April, and that was a great opportunity for me to be able to fly there. But at home they cheered as hard as they could :)
You missed the first place by a few seconds, are you going to make it up next year?
I would very much like to improve the result next year, everything does not depend only on me, if I manage to get enough funds, I will be very happy to represent the Czech Republic again.
Do you do other sports besides OCR racing?
Apart from OCR, I enjoy all sports, mostly running and cross-country skiing.
How long have you been running Spartan and how many races have you completed?
My first Spartan was in July 2021, I ran a total of 5 Spartan races.
What do you enjoy most about OCR?
I enjoy the variety of obstacles and the whole racing atmosphere.
And finally... What are your goals for the next year?
My big goal is definitely MS Spartan Kids. I will hope to be able to go there one more time and show the best result.
So we'll keep our fingers crossed that it works out. And in the coming years, of course, we will look forward to your great results already in the Age Group 15+! Thanks for the interview.
Klára Viršíková Spartan Ambassador Czech Rep.